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October 8, 2024

Ensuring Safe Gas Appliance Use

In this article, we discuss the importance of using gas appliances safely, recognising warning signs of malfunction, and preventing dangerous conditions like carbon monoxide poisoning.

Preventing Carbon Monoxide Risks

When a gas appliance malfunctions or is incorrectly installed or used (such as using it in a confined space), it can produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, leading to serious health risks or even death. Here are some warning signs and tips to ensure safe usage.

Proper Use of Appliances

Always use gas appliances according to the manufacturer’s instructions and for their intended purposes. For instance, cookers, grills, and barbecues should never be used for heating.

Warning Signs of Malfunctioning Gas Appliances

Look out for these indicators that an appliance might not be functioning correctly or that the flue might be blocked:

  • Yellow Flame: Instead of a blue flame, a yellow flame can indicate a problem. (Note: Some 'flame-effect' heaters are designed to burn with a yellow-tipped flame.)
  • Soot Deposits: Soot around the appliance can be a sign of trouble.
  • Unusual Smells: An unpleasant or car exhaust-like smell suggests a problem.

If you notice any of these signs, turn off the appliance and contact a licensed gasfitter immediately.

Avoid Using Outdoor Gas Appliances Indoors

Outdoor heating appliances such as patio heaters, camping cookers, and barbecues should never be used indoors. Unlike indoor appliances, they lack safety systems that shut off the gas supply when oxygen levels are low and carbon monoxide levels are high.

Carbon Monoxide Sources

Carbon monoxide is produced by fuel-burning appliances like:

  • Gas heaters (both natural gas and LPG)
  • Barbecues (gas and charcoal)
  • Camping appliances (such as LPG cookers and lanterns)

While carbon monoxide itself is odourless, it is often accompanied by other emissions that may cause a 'car exhaust' smell or watery eyes.

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide can cause:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Tiredness and vomiting

Prolonged or high-level exposure can lead to more severe symptoms, including collapsing, unconsciousness, or death. If you suspect carbon monoxide exposure, move to fresh air immediately, seek medical attention, and if safe, turn off the appliance and ventilate the area.

Understanding 'Light Back'

'Light back' is a condition where gas appliances emit dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Warning signs include unusual smells, abnormal flame patterns, the flame disappearing from the burner, or roaring noises. If you experience any of these issues, stop using the appliance and contact an authorised service agent.

Preventing 'Light Back' and Other Issues

  • Regular Servicing: Have your appliances serviced every two years by an authorised service agent.
  • Seasonal Storage: Store portable LPG appliances like cabinet heaters and barbecues under cover to prevent debris, insects, or spiders from entering the burner area.
  • Proper Ventilation: Ensure portable LPG appliances are used in well-ventilated areas.
  • Complete Shut-off: Make sure appliances are fully turned off after use, as 'light back' can occur if the control knob is not completely turned off.


Ensuring the safe use of gas appliances involves regular maintenance, recognising warning signs of malfunction, and following best practices for their use and storage. By staying vigilant and involving licensed gasfitters when needed, you can prevent dangerous situations and maintain a safe home environment. For all your gasfitting service needs, our expert team is here to help ensure your safety and peace of mind.

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